School Safety
Safety Plan Information
For information about safety and security at Seattle Public Schools, visit the district Safety and Security page.
At the beginning of an earthquake, students and staff who are in the buildings should drop, cover and hold. The safest places would be under a desk, table, or against an inner wall for protection from falling plaster, light fixtures or other heavy overhead objects. Students and adults should keep away from windows, file cabinets, and book shelves.
Reverse Evacuation
A Reverse Evacuation is defined as the process for moving students/staff indoors quickly. Some reasons for Reverse Evacuation include gunshots, drive by shooting or school is notified by law enforcement that an armed individual may be in the area.
Shelter-in-Place is the process of keeping students and staff safe from dangers within the community. Schools would Shelter-in-Place in events such as a hazardous material incident, radiation incident, snowstorm, vague threats, or violence in the community that is not directed at the school. ACADEMICS ARE ONGOING.
A Lockdown is the process of protecting students and staff from external and internal dangers. A Lockdown is used when there is an immediate threat of violence in or immediately around the school. In a lockdown, all students, staff and visitors go to the nearest room, lock the door, close the windows and provide maximum concealment by closing blinds, curtains, etc. There is no instruction happening during a lockdown.
Daniel Bagley Reunification Plan
1st: Families will receive an emergency message via School Messenger and Talking Points. This message will notify families that students need to be picked up from school due to an emergency.
2nd: Families will arrive at school. All adults will be expected to show proof of identification and tell the school staff where they are going after school.
3rd: Pick up locations for efficiency:
- Kinders- East gate and back library door (next to main side entrance)
- 1st graders– East gate and East door of gym (closer to main school building)
- 2nd and 3rd graders– West gate and West door of gym (by dumpster ramp)
- 4th and 5th graders – Exterior Cafeteria Door (by Bagley reader board)
- Distinct program– Ring bell at front entrance to school