Daniel Bagley Elementary



Daniel Bagley Library


Empower all DBE students to develop a lifelong love of reading and learning and to produce world-class learners who are prepared to meet global challenges while retaining a strong sense of their own culture and heritage.


The library is a place where students and teachers can come to read and access books, technology and other resources freely, safely in a comfortable setting, where everyone has a voice.

Frequently Asked Questions

What library books does my student have out?

You can view your student’s checked out books and any fees on The Source under “Books, Fines and Fees.”

They can also view their checked out books and place holds on our library catalog, Destiny Discover. Their login is the same as for their school computer. They can also access the catalog through Clever, the SPS student portal.

How long can students keep books?

Checkout period is 2 weeks. We encourage students to return books every week if they are done reading. After two weeks, they can check out items for another two weeks if no one else is waiting.

When an item is 60 days overdue we consider it lost and charge you for the replacement cost. We remove the charge for replacement when you return the late item.

Do you have any other rules about library books?

We ask all students to keep books clean and safe so that other students can enjoy them!

Library books stay in good condition when students:

  • Do not eat while reading library books
  • Keep library books in backpacks when not reading
  • Keep library books away from water bottles in backpacks
  • Turn pages from the top right corner

What do I do about a lost or damaged book?

Sometimes library books do get damaged or lost. Please get in touch with Ms. Emily if your student’s book is lost or damaged. You can either send in a hardcover replacement or pay for a new copy through SchoolPay.