Daniel Bagley Elementary

Student Family Portal


Attendance at Daniel Bagley

Please email: bagley.attendance@seattleschools.org every time your child will be absent or late.

Daniel Bagley office phone: 206-252-5110

Planned Absences

Pre-Planned Absence Form

This form should be used for absences of three or more days. Please complete this form and submit to office before the start of the planned absence.

Unplanned Absences

When your child’s personal illness or injury, or the illness, injury or death of a family member, prevents your child from attending school. Please notify the school.

The school may require a note from your child’s doctor if your child is absent due to illness or injury for an excessive number of days before excusing those absences.

What absences are not excused?

Vacations and trips are not excused when school is in session. Families should plan vacations and family travel for when school is not in session.  Going to another city, state or country to visit family or friends won’t be excused.  Extra days before or after school holidays are not excused.