School Calendar & How to Subscribe

How to Subscribe to School and District Calendars
Families can subscribe to the district and/or school website online calendars. Your personal calendars update automatically when a change is made or when a new event is added. How to subscribe:
- Click the calendar link(s) below:
- Scroll to the bottom of the calendar page.
- On the right-hand side, under Subscribe to Calendar, select a subscribe option.
Daniel Bagley Elementary Family Calendar 2024-25
Ethnic Studies Topics: Monthly based on the SPS curriculum.
Social Justice Topic: Monthly based on the BLM Year of Purpose and National months of heritage.
* Every Wednesday except the first day of school is an early release day. Pick up is at 1:10pm
8/24 Bethany CC Serve Day
8/27 PTA Sponsored Staff Breakfast 7:30am
8/29 Welcome Back Event 5:30-7:30pm
Ethnic Studies Topics: Identity/Hispanic Heritage
Social Justice Topic: Restorative Justice
9/4 First Day (Grades 1-5), no early release
Welcome Back Coffee 1st-5th Grade Families 7:45am
9/4-9/6 Kinder Jump Start and Family Orientation
9/9 First Day (Kindergarten)
9/9 PTA Welcome Back Coffee for kinder families 7:45am
9/19 PTA Volunteer Kick-off Event, 6-8pm
9/25 First All-School Assembly
Ethnic Studies Topics: Identity/Indigenous Peoples
Social Justice Topic: Empathy
10/1 PTA General Meeting 6-7pm
10/4 Move-a-Thon
10/9 Spanish Speaking Families Meeting 12-1 PM
10/9 Back to School Night and Advanced Learning Family Meeting
10/10 School Picture Day
10/11 NO SCHOOL – In-Service Day
10/16-10/18- 5th grade camp
10/25 Harvest Hootenanny 6-8pm
10/30 All School Assembly
Ethnic Studies Topics: Power and Oppression
Social Justice Topic: Diversity
11/7 Accessible Ed Family Night
11/11 NO SCHOOL, Veteran’s Day Observed
11/15 Bee Yourself Night/Book Fair 5:30-7:30pm
11/20 Whole School Assembly
11/20-11/27- Parent/Teacher Conferences, NO SCHOOL 11/25-27
11/28 – 11/29 NO SCHOOL- Thanksgiving & Native American Heritage Day
Ethnic Studies Topics: Power and Oppression
Social Justice Topic: Diversity
12/6 Winter Gift Swap and Movie Night 5:30-7:30pm
General PTA Meeting 6-8PM
12/11 Spanish Speaking Families Meeting 12-1 PM
12/20 1-hour Early Dismissal
12/23 – 1/3 NO SCHOOL, Winter Break
Ethnic Studies Topics: Power and Oppression
Social Justice Topic: Unapologetically Black
1/15 MLK Assembly
1/20 NO SCHOOL, MLK Holiday
1/24 PTA Direct Giving Campaign
1/27 Prospective Families Tours
1/28 PTA General Meeting 6-7pm
1/30 Advanced Learning Info Night
Ethnic Studies Topics: History of Resistance and Liberation
Social Justice Topic: Black Villages and Families
2/7 Literacy Night, 5:30-7:30pm
2/12 Spanish Speaking Families Meeting 12-1 PM
2/13 Accessible Ed Family Night
2/17 – 2/21 NO SCHOOL, Mid-Winter Break
2/26 All School Assembly
2/27 Yearbook Picture Retakes/Class Picture Day
Ethnic Studies Topics: History of Resistance and Liberation
Social Justice Topic: Women’s Rights
3/14 Pi Math Night 5:30-7:30pm
3/26 All School Assembly
Ethnic Studies Topics: Reflection and Action
Social Justice Topic: Globalism
4/1 PTA General Meeting 6-7pm
4/4 Spring into Action Night 5:30-7:30pm
4/14 – 4/18 NO SCHOOL, Spring Break
4/21-25 Volunteer Appreciation Week
4/24 PTA Volunteer Appreciation Event 6-8pm
4/30- All School Assembly
Spanish Speaking Families Meeting 12-1 PM
Ethnic Studies Topics: Reflection and Action
Social Justice Topic: Intergenerational and AANHPI
5/3 Bike Rodeo 10am-12pm
5/5 – 5/9 Staff Appreciation Week
5/14-16 Scholastic Book Fair
5/16 Bagley Arts Festival 6-8pm
5/26 NO SCHOOL, Memorial Day Holiday
5/28 All School Assembly
Ethnic Studies Topics: Reflection and Action
Social Justice Topic: Gender Identity/Queer Affirming
6/2-7 Virtual Silent Auction
6/3 PTA General Meeting 6-7pm
6/7 PTA Block Party
6/13 Field Day
6/17 5th grade promotion
6/18 Last Day of School, 1 Hour Early Dismissal
6/19 Juneteenth
School Year Calendar
Upcoming Dates
2024-25 School Year Dates
View start and end times for all schools. All schools have a 75-minute early release on Wednesdays, except the first and last day of school. The last day of school will have a 60-minute early release.
September 4 First day of school for 1st – 12th grade students. Sept. 4 is not an early release Wednesday. Early release will occur every Wednesday except for the first week of school.
September 9 First day of school for preschool and kindergarten students
October 11 State In-service Day (no school for students)
November 11 Veterans Day Observed (no school)
November 25-27 Family-Teacher conference days in elementary and K-8 schools. (no school for elementary and K-8 schools, varies by school).
Most middle schools are open (see school website for more information).
November 28-29 Thanksgiving and Native American Heritage Day (no school)
December 20 1-hour early dismissal
December 23-January 3, 2025 Winter break (no school)
January 20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day (no school)
February 17-21 Mid-winter break, including Presidents’ Day (no school)
April 14-18 Spring break (no school)
May 26 Memorial Day (no school)
June 18 Last day of school (school will be dismissed 60 minutes early)
June 19 Juneteenth (staff holiday, no school when school is in session)
Potential emergency closure makeup days are June 20-24.
The school calendar is developed collaboratively with SEA and the dates are agreed upon in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). The formula to schedule key dates in the CBA states that the first day of school will be the first Wednesday of September.
The key dates formula was originally bargained in the 2015-18 CBA as a tool for staff and families so there would be consistency around calendars and dates weren’t arbitrarily set.
During the 2019 bargaining period, multiple joint workgroups between SPS and SEA were established, with one specifically organized to address inclusive considerations related to religious and cultural observations and practices. This workgroup developed supplemental materials and guidance to go along with the traditional school year calendar.
While not all religious/cultural events can be accommodated for, this guidance was created to serve as a reference for schools, families, and communities to be aware of potential schedule conflicts and excused absences and/or to make appropriate accommodations and supports for students and families on days of religious/cultural observances.
The religious and cultural observances identified in both the 2021-22 and 2022-23 Religion and Religious Accommodations documents, also highlights observances and traditions which involve fasting, which may have an impact on students’ abilities to perform at their highest level or be a reason for an absence from class.
Key Dates in the CBA
The below dates were negotiated as a part of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).
- First day of school: The first Wednesday in September.
- State In-service Day: As recognized by the state and typically the second Friday in October.
- Winter break: At least 10 weekdays, ending after New Year’s Day. If New Year’s Day falls or is observed on a Monday, students will return to school on the next day (Tuesday).
- Mid-winter break: Presidents’ Day and the following four workdays.
- Spring break: Five days starting the second Monday in April.
- Snow make-up days: At least three snow days shall be scheduled and additional snow make-up days may be added if necessary
- Holidays:
- Labor Day (when school begins before this day in September)
- Veterans Day (November)
- Thanksgiving Day and the day after Thanksgiving (November)
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day (January)
- Presidents’ Day (February)
- Memorial Day (May)
- Contractual Days: The four days immediately preceding the start of school, except for the Friday before Labor Day
- Conferences: Three consecutive days for conferences immediately preceding Thanksgiving Day
- Collaboration and Professional Learning Time. The district will schedule one seventy-five (75) minute early release every Wednesday except for the first week of school or if the last day of school is a Wednesday
Read the Collective Bargaining Agreement between SPS and Seattle Education Association (SEA) Employees 2022-25