Daniel Bagley Elementary Family Handbook

Daniel Bagley Elementary Family Handbook
- Contact Information:
- Attendance
- School Arrival
- Absences
- Early Dismissal
- Change in pick up plans?
- Breakfast and Lunch
- School Dismissal
- Start of School Information
- About our School
- Services at our School
- PTA (Parent Teacher Association)
- Visiting and Volunteering
- Expectations:
- Lost and Found
- Celebrations at School
- Personal Items at School:
- Student Expectations
Contact Information:
Calendar: School and Family Events Calendar
Bagley and SPS’s Philosophy about Elementary School attendance: Every day counts. Regardless of your child’s current skill levels, missing school means missing instruction in their community. Every day is an impact to any student. Please prioritize school attendance to create a calm and consistent schedule for your child.
School Arrival
- 7:35 AM – Two sets of back gates will open for breakfast in the cafeteria. If you arrive prior to 7:40 and your child is not eating breakfast, please supervise them on the blacktop until a Bagley ES staff member arrives at 7:40 AM. NEW: LIBRARY Hours on Tues-Weds-Thurs for check in, check out, or quiet reading..
- 7:40 AM – Blacktop supervision starts. 7:40-7:50 AM – Students find their cone line spots on the blacktop and line up.
- 7:55 AM – Teachers will walk their class into the building.
- 8:00 AM and after is LATE arrival– Class instruction has begun. If your child arrives late you will need to ring the front bell of the school and sign them in as late arrivers. – If your family has two tardies to school the main office will set up a meeting to problem solve supporting on time arrival.
Call or email the Attendance Secretary at 206-252-5110 bagley.attendance@seattleschools.org
Early Dismissal
If you are picking up your child early, please call the main office at 206-252 -5110 or ring the bell when you arrive. We will have your child gather their materials and meet you in the main office.
Change in pick up plans?
Let your child’s teacher AND the main office know of any changes to your child’s pick-up routine. Students who:
- want to ride a bus other than their own
- get off at a different stop on the bus
- be picked up by someone other than an authorized adult in their contacts MUST notify the office in writing at least 30 minutes before the end of the day.
Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast is $2 .2 5 and Lunch is $3.25. The Lunch/ Recess block is 45 minutes long to ensure time to eat each day.
- Every student is assigned a lunch account. Add money to their account pay online..
- You can also apply for Free Meals.
- Lunch Codes/Pin: when students pick up a meal they enter their code to ensures noted allergies are tracked.
School Dismissal
Bus pick up:
If your child is going home on the bus they will be escorted to a bus line and attendance will be taken on each bus before departing.
BGC @ Bagley Process:
If your child is going to Boys and Girls club they will line up outside and be picked up by BGC staff.
Car Pick up:
Families can park in the parking lot or on side streets and enter the side gates off the playground.
- Please ONLY PARK in a designated parking spot and be courteous to our neighbors when parking on a side street.
- Cars exiting the parking lot will only be able to turn RIGHT onto 80 th Ave.
- Communicate with your child’s teacher at pick up so we know who each child goes home with.
Start of School Information
Food Insecurity?
About 10% of our community experiences food insecurity. We offer a weekend food program and other district supports. Enroll.
Home-School Communication
Weekly Principal’s letter (School Messenger and Website), Weekly slideshow, PTA Newsletter, Regular teacher emails, Talking Points texting
Supply Fee
Our school charges a ‘pay what you can’ fee to purchase universal supplies for students, including all classroom supplies, digital apps, and subscriptions. This fee creates equity of supply access for all students.
$50 suggested School Supply Fee (pay online via SchoolPay)
About our School
We are the Bagley Bees! Our Mission:
To become an inclusive community where students of all identities have a voice and see themselves as making a difference in the broader community.
Our Guiding Expectations
Our Guiding Expectations at Daniel Bagley focus on being: Safe, Respectful, Responsible and Striving to Bee your Best!
Student Expectations
- Be Safe – Our school is a safe place where all individuals feel understood and protected in their personal space.
- Be Respectful – Students honor and care for others’ feelings, property, and individuality.
- Be Responsible – Students take ownership of their own learning and actions towards others.
- Be Your Best – Students know that learning in a community takes persistence, patience, and hard work. They know that
Our Strategies for Honoring Individual and Collectivist student actions include:
- Community building in each classroom at the start of each day (Circle time and other activities)
- Bee Patch pages/ classroom recognition
- Monthly assemblies/ weekly Principal’s videos offer whole school education and celebration of culture and identity.
Strategies for Educating SEL (Social Emotional Learning)
RULER is an evidence-based approach to social and emotional learning that helps school communities integrate the practice of emotional intelligence into daily life. RULER teaches five key skills of emotional intelligence:
- Recognizing emotions in one’s self and others.
- Understanding the causes and consequences of emotions.
- Labeling emotions accurately.
- Expressing emotions appropriately.
- Regulating emotions effectively.
Second Step The Second Step digital lessons teach empathy, conflict resolution, and anger management.
Restorative Practices (The Blueprint Reflection) Students use this tool to identify emotions and solve problems.
- What happened? How do I feel? How do others feel?
- How can I make it right?
- Who are my trusted adults I can ask for help?
Services at our School
Accessible Education is Bagley’s term for the programs that provide Special Education Services at our school.
Bagley Elementary is part of a network of elementary schools in our region that offer a continuum of special education services for students. About 21 % of our community includes students receiving services in the Distinct, Extended Resource, Resource, and Speech and Language pathways.
To participate, students must be referred to our department, evaluated and qualified.
Special education services consist of specially designed instruction and related services. Instruction refers to the content of what is taught (examples: reading or social skills). Related services are both instructional/ non- instructional supports (ex: transportation or language interpretation).
Multilingual Services at Bagley ES
About 11 % of our community receive Multilingual services in and out of their general education classroom. Services are determined based on a WIDA assessment that all students take if a home language is marked as non- English.
Highly Capable Services at Bagley ES
About 7 % of our community includes students designated as Highly Capable. Enrichment and individualized services are embedded in our SPS curriculum to support these learners. In addition, classrooms include projects and small groups extension work in each unit of study.
Experiencing Houselessness
About 5 % of our community includes students who share housing with others or live in temporary shelters and are seeking permanent housing. Students that qualify for this category called MKV (McKinney Vento) are offered supports through additional district and neighborhood sources.
As you can see, our school is a fantastic community of learners with different needs and we focus on inclusion to support all learners. We define inclusion as supporting students through individual learning goals, accommodations, and modifications so that they can access rigorous curriculum. Inclusive practices create welcoming spaces where our students practice:
- Mindfulness of others needs
- Compassion for challenges of others
- Thoughtful solutions to improve inclusion
PTA (Parent Teacher Association)
Bagley Elementary is supported by a very involved PTA. The PTA Website offers lots more information. Through fundraising events, the PTA sponsors various enrichment programs such as music, dance and drama instruction as well as social activities including assemblies, after-school classes, buses for field trips for every classroom, and teacher “mini-grants”. General meetings are held 3 -4 times a year. Please find those events and more on our Bagley Family Calendar. You do not need to be a member to attend General Membership meetings.
Joining and volunteering with the PTA is a great way to make a difference in your child’s education and meet other school families.
PTA Board of Directors 2023 -24
Co-Presidents: Nicole Buckenwolf and Danae Nakoneczny; president@danielbagleypta.org
Vice President: Janna Reynoso vicepresident@danielbagleypta.org
Secretary: Gina Keppel secretary@danielbagleypta.org
Co-Treasurers: Alinne Oliveira and Bruce Kaufman treasurer@danielbagleypta.org
Visiting and Volunteering
Visiting the School
Families are always welcome to visit. For the protection of our students, all visitors are required to check in at the main office and wear a visitor badge. Younger siblings are welcome to visit with you.
Category A volunteers work in the school building for field trips, and other whole class support. Category B volunteers work directly with students on tutoring and other one on one situations. All volunteers require a background check that is good for 2 years.
- Complete your online Volunteer Application
- Sign in and out in the volunteer book in the Main Office.
- Wear a volunteer badge whenever you are at school.
- Please do not share information about students you are assisting.
- As a volunteer, please do not bring other children in your care with you.
Lost and Found
The lost and found clothing rack is located directly inside the middle doors of the building that lead out to the playground.
Celebrations at School
Birthday Celebrations
If you’d like to celebrate your child’s birthday at school, please check with your child’s teacher in advance! Each teacher chooses how to equitably celebrate and honor their students’ birthdays.
Costumes are not worn for this celebration during the school day.
Mother’s Day/Father’s Day
We acknowledge that student experiences for these days will vary based on family situations. To create equity in comfort and care of our students the teacher will take this information into account prior to creating classroom projects to honor mothers and fathers.
Animals are not allowed on school grounds. Not all children feel safe with unfamiliar animals and many are allergic. However, families may arrange an animal visit with the classroom teacher who will know their class’s personal needs for different animals.
Personal Items at School:
Personal toys and sports equipment should remain at home.
Personal technology devices
Personal technology devices include cell phones, smart phones, smart watches, step counters, etc. We acknowledge the comfort and convenience of connecting with your child on a personal device at school. However, this accessibility can be distracting to students and classmates when notifications occur during the school day.
- Please call the main office at 206 252 – 5110 if you need to connect with your child during the school day.
- These devices should be stored in silent mode during the school day.
- The office may store the device for the day if students are not following school expectations of use for the device.
Student Expectations
The Basic Rules of Seattle Public Schools (Student and Staff Rights and Responsibilities) is used as a guiding framework for our school.
Student Responsibilities
As a member of the school community, you should take personal responsibility to:
- Ask for help when needed;
- Treat others with respect;
- Attend and be prepared for school;
- Follow district and school rules;
- Follow dress code (Board Policy No. 3224 )
- Respect property (Board Policy No. 3520 ).
What Happens if a Student Breaks a Rule?
If you break a school rule, you have a right to:
- Timely investigations into disciplinary incidents
- Tell your side of the story, and have it documented
- Explanation of disciplinary decision/response to you and family
- Reasonable disciplinary response to disciplinary incident
- Written notification within 24 hours to you and family after initial verbal notification
- Be provided communication in identified home language
- Be provided information on right to appeal
- Be treated with dignity and be allowed to tell your side of the story
- Have your family involved in any disciplinary response
- An actively anti-racist disciplinary response with reasonable consequences, including restorative
Bus Expectations
- Use a Level 1 voice and stay seated.
- Listen respectfully to driver’s directions.
- All body parts and objects stay in bus.
- Do not consume food or drink.
Students will be taught skills and anti-bullying strategies. Bullying is defined as any abuse of power by an individual or group who deliberately targets others for repeated physical or psychological abuse. Students learn to recognize, refuse, and report bullying behavior. Any student or parent who is concerned about bullying should contact your child’s classroom teacher.
Weapons Policy
In compliance with District regulations, no weapons of any kind are permitted on school property. This includes firearms, mace, knives of any sort, or weapon-like toys or instruments. Weapons include any object that could reasonably be used to inflict serious bodily injury.
Consequences for Student Behavior
All behaviors are a form of communication for the student. They present an opportunity for the adults to learn more about what is triggering the behavior and teach skills to manage the triggers. Levels of consequence vary based on situation.
Level 1 :
- Student Reflection
- Family Connection
- Student Conference
- Buddy Classrooms or Break Space
- Conflict Resolution
- Loss of Privileges
Level 2 :
- If behavior is severe or not improving staff will identify replacement activities for student and schedule a meeting with family.
- Academic or Behavioral Support Plan
- Loss of Privilege
- Restorative Justice
- Counseling/ Mentoring
- Community Service
- Students are only suspended or sent home early if they pose a safety risk to themselves or others. This action is considered a last resort after all other interventions are attempted.