Daniel Bagley Elementary

Daniel Bagley Families Monday Message, May 6, 2024

Bagley Families,

Throughout Washington state this month students in grades 3-8 and 10 will take the Smarter Balanced tests in math and English language arts. Students in grades 5, 8, and 11 will also take the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS).

The results from these tests are one of many ways of understanding where students are in their learning, relative to grade-level learning goals in math, English language arts, and science. For students in grade 10, the Smarter Balanced can also be used as a graduation pathway.

Most students will take the tests online. Our school is scheduled to take the tests May 20th-June 3rd (with more specific dates sent from your classroom teacher).

For more information about the Smarter Balanced and WCAS tests, visit the OSPI State Testing page and select the name of the test.

To try out an online Smarter Balanced practice or training test or WCAS training test, visit the Washington Comprehensive Assessment Program (WCAP) Portal and select the Practice and Training Tests button.

Chargers at home?

In the winter we sent chargers home with students, in the event we would need to have remote school due to inclement weather. I feel like, fingers crossed, that time has passed. Please send any SPS chargers you have at home back to school this week.

Nectar News

The Nectar News is shared with students every Monday to educate and celebrate Bagley student news, identity, and expectations. Check your emailed update for the link.


Each week we share appreciations for our staff and adult community at Bagley in the Nectar News video. We would love it if families wanted to take some time to share a shout out at this link. Bagley Appreciations Link  

Bagley Arts Festival, Friday, May 17th 6-8 PM

We are excited to start sharing details for our Bagley Arts Festival. The band, orchestra, and choir will perform. And we will have lots of exploratory stations set up to highlight the ARTS!!

Field Day is set for Friday, June 14

Bagley is so excited to host Field Day on campus again this year! There will be a few new stations and activities to make the day fun and we’ll provide more details in the coming weeks! We’d also love to hear from our Bagley families about what you think would make Field Day special. Please fill out a survey to share your thoughts and ideas!!

We will need two waves of volunteers and wanted to put these times out there for your planning purposes. Stay tuned for an official “sign up” for the following shifts to go out closer to the event. We will also communicate about other ways to volunteer such as donating or loaning items for the day of.

K, 1st, and 2nd graders will participate in Field Day from 9-10:30 a.m.

Set-up and Volunteer 1st wave: 8 – 10:30 a.m.

3rd, 4th, and 5th graders will participate in Field Day from 12:30-2 p.m.

Volunteer 2nd wave and clean-up: 12 – 2:30 p.m.

Upcoming Events

  • Bagley Arts Festival, May17th
  • Lockdown Drill, May 17th
  • 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade state testing, May 21st- June 4th. Specific dates shared by teachers.
  • DIBELS and MAP testing, K-5 students, May 13th- June 14th
  • Memorial Day, No School May 27
  • Whole School Assembly, May 29th
  • Choir Student/Lipsen Field Trip to Elementary Choral Festival 2024, May 30
  • Park/Messom Field Trip to SAM, May 31
  • Field Day at Bagley, June 14th
  • 5th grade Promotion, June 18th