Daniel Bagley Elementary

3.13.23, Bagley’s Monday Message

Bagley’s Monday Message

Bagley Families,

It feels good to be at school for several weeks in a row with no break in sight. We can really get into the groove of learning habits and dive into our content. Please take a look at our school updates below.

Nectar News

Every Monday teachers will show the Nectar News to share upcoming events, appreciations, and to educate and celebrate varied cultures and school expectations. Check your email/texts for the link.

Student Conflict

Students are all learning how to navigate peer relationships and conflicts will arise. Sometimes the term bullying is inaccurately being used to describe student conflict. We know it will help to have all adults that support a student be able to distinguish between these two very different actions.
If your child is describing an instance of student conflict you could use our Bagley Reflection questions to learn more:

  • What happened?
  • How do you feel? How did the other person feel?
  • What would it look like if we made things right?
  • Who is your trusted adult at Bagley? How can they help you next time?

However, bullying is only used to describe repeated verbal or physical targeting of a single student with the intent to harm and exclude. We take accusations of bullying very seriously, because they are rare and create a feeling of unwelcome for the student being targeted.
If your child is reporting cases of repeated, targeted behaviors:

  • Email your teacher and myself
  • Allow the school staff time to investigate the incidents
  • Listen and support your child, but please avoid targeting the other child involved. Adults at Bagley will respond and follow up on plans to support student growth in managing their emotions and behaviors to put a stop to bullying.

Playground afterschool

We welcome families to stay after school and use the playground, until Boys and Girls Club needs to start their outdoor programming (at about 3 PM). However, we noticed that students are not consistently being supervised by adults. If you have a child playing on the field or play structures, we ask that you are in close range and supervising. In addition, climbing on the Bee Wall and climbing on the Tetherball poles are not allowed during the school day. We would really appreciate it if families followed the same standard for after-school time, to help us with consistent expectations. Thanks for your partnership.

PTA News

The Daniel Bagley PTA will be holding a VIRTUAL General Meeting on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 6:30 PM to VOTE on a proposal to address the increased cost of 0.1 Instrumental Music (EIM) under the PTA’s School Day Enrichment category. Please join us virtually to review the proposal and ask questions. Principal Angela Clement will be available for questions.

Covid update

We had zero positive cases at our school this week. SPS’s Dashboard will show district COVID trends. Thank you for keeping your children home if they have a COVID symptom as described by the Department Of Health.

Upcoming Events

  • Tuesday, 3/15: Virtual PTA Membership Meeting @6:30 PM for EIM Budget Vote
  • Thursday, 3/16: BINGO Night, from 6-7:30 in the cafeteria
  • Monday, 3/27: Team Bagley Spirit Day and Bagley’s Mini-March Madness Assembly, 8 AM
  • Tuesday, 4/4: PTA General Membership Meeting